Nawaz lays out plan for salvation


Announcing the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) manifesto for the coming election, party President Nawaz Sharif on Thursday vowed to take the country out of the multiple challenges of unprecedented load shedding, massive unemployment, increasing poverty, poor governance, deteriorating law and order, widespread corruption and rising inflation.

Nawaz said the PML-N manifesto was an all-embracing agenda for national renewal and real change to revive the confidence of people by instilling hope, restoring national dignity and resurrecting Pakistan as a progressive and prosperous nation.

Explaining salient features of the manifesto, the PML-N president said a cabinet committee on defence and national security headed by the prime minister would be established to maintain democratic oversight of all aspects of foreign and defence policies, ensuring that all institutions, civil or military, acted in accordance with the law and per directives of the federal cabinet.

“Needs and requirements of the armed forces will be met under all circumstances, and strategic assets will be protected,” he said.

He announced that Hazara, South Punjab and Bahawalpur provinces would be created if he came to power.

“Our government will eliminate VIP culture and expenses of presidency, prime minister, governors and chief ministers will be significantly reduced. A specially deigned employment programme will be designed to generate three million new jobs in the public and private sectors, including one million each in IT and SME sectors.”

“Minimum wages of workers will be gradually enhanced to Rs 15,000 per month,” he added.

Nawaz said the PML-N would strive to eventually provide a house to each Pakistani family through pubic-private partnership.

“The PML-N government will revive the economy, double the GDP growth to over six percent, reduce budget deficit to four percent, reduce country’s dependence on foreign loans and assistance, revamp state enterprises eating Rs 400 billion, decrease tax rates, ensure lower interest rates and make Pakistan emerge as one of the top ten economies of the world in 21st century,” he added.

“All major export sectors will be sales-tax free, an Export Import Bank (EXIM) will be set up as well,” the PML-N chief said.

Nawaz said the government would improve tax to GDP ratio to 15 percent by 2018, unaccounted economic activity would be brought into tax net and tax evasion would be curbed.

“Short and medium-term measures would be initiated to end load shedding in three years, invest $20 billion to generate 10,000MW of electricity in the next five years and permanently eliminate circular debt. High priority will be given to importing gas through pipelines, intensifying oil and gas exploration, developing Thar coalfields by setting up of at least 5,000MW of new coal-fired power plants under the IPP mode in Sindh and developing alternative sources of energy,” he said.

Nawaz added that agriculture would be turned into a fully viable economic industry and high priority would be given to development of livestock and fisheries sectors.

“The PML-N government will introduce a transparent system of income support programme for needy families with special focus on widows, orphans and girls.”

He said a national Education Emergency would be declared to eradicate illiteracy on war footings and a vision 2025 for Pakistan’s education shall be formulated to transform the country’s education sector into a world class system. The education budget would be enhanced to 4 percent of the GDP by 2018.

The PML-N chief said a new national health insurance card scheme would be introduced for free treatment of children up to 12 years of age, senior citizens of over 65 years and families with low income.

He said the government would promote participation of women in national development, enact and improve legislation on violence against women, expand micro credit for female borrowers and inheritance and property rights of female heirs would be safeguarded.

“A dynamic National Youth Policy will be implemented through skill development programme to create one million positions for apprenticeship, self employment loans shall be extended, services of youth will be utilised in national literacy programmes and youth will be involved in governance at local levels.”

“A National Day for Minorities will be celebrated, they will have complete freedom of worship, legislative measures will be undertaken to prevent forced conversion of religion, development funds for minorities will be doubled and Christian community will be permitted to run their own educational institutions.”

Nawaz reiterated commitment to the Charter of Democracy and vowed to build strong dimension of democratic governance by building institutions, including an effective parliament, independent judiciary, election commission and a vigilant media.

He said Local government elections would be held within six months of general elections and police laws would be reviewed to depoliticise the force and end thana culture.

“The PML-N government will grant voting rights to all overseas Pakistanis and dual nationals and the “Aao Badlein Pakistan” programme will be launched to motivate overseas Pakistanis towards development of Pakistan.”

Freedom of media would be guaranteed and respected, Nawaz added.

He said the PML-N would form an autonomous national accountability commission, adopt zero tolerance policy towards corruption, ruthlessly stamp out corruption and across the board accountability of all holders of public offices would be ensured.

Rejecting militancy and extremism, Nawaz promised to bring FATA and PATA into country’s political mainstream and ensure health, education and other facilities in the areas.



  1. How about not giving tickets to these new turncoats from other parties who are joining PML-N?
    Can he make public information about the yearly pay and fringe benefits of the President, prime minister, respective Governors, and federal ministers?

    How about making public of their truly tax returns? This is done every yr in USA. I am telling good thing about USA .How democracy is practiced in USA.

    Can Mr Nawaz Sharif release his last year tax return?

    Disclaimer. I am not member of any political party

  2. How abort starting with denouncing attacks on the minorities that were carried out by people that his party supports. According to Rana Sanaullah, there was no evidence against LeJ's chief for his involvement in Quetta killings. PML-N is a dangerous party because of the idiological affiliation of its leadership with the right-wing nut cases.

  3. He has tried running the country twice,both times he failed.He and his idiot brother have billions in loans that were written off/defaults.These brothers have corruption cases pending against them.Why would it be any different this time around? As much money as they make,how much tax did they pay last year alone? At the end of the day,the Sharifs will make deals with the PPP like they always have behind closed doors,I wouldn't trust Zardari and the Sharifs for one second,I too have a disclaimer that I do not belong to any political party,I just want to see the people of Pakistan stop suffering.

  4. Momin Aik soorakh say do bar nahee dasta

    Well then again pakistan is filled with lantis who will vote for this mardood agin

  5. Local government elections would be held within six months…

    I am raising only one question purely provincial subject under perfect control of PML-N! Why Sharifs DID NOT have the guts to do that in last five years? only because macho CM think he is superman for everything acted mayor of Lahore if not what was the reason?

  6. 1— After 18th amendment and 3 years not a single watt of electricity produce and now say end load shading in 2 years

    2—–5 years no local election in punjab contempt of court (supreme court order) now they in 6 months be done

    3—TAX collection 15% GDP, can a party with 70% leaders TAX CHORS can they realy collect TAX

    4—-No clear policy on stopping terrorism biggest problem in Pakistan ,why would they as they fight election with support of these groups like LeJ

    5—20% investment target ,1st bring back looted money from London/Jeddah

    6—Accountabilty—no accountabilty bill for 5years now they say they will do it

    Ther are so many other contradictions and faulse promise which have not listed



  7. Nawaz lays out plans for HIS FAMILY salvation.Motorway produced Raiwind Estate,lets see what this 'salvation' will produce.And do not forget the nuclear boast.While his own dollers and pounds were moved abroad overnight by PIA, people suffered when he imposed foreign currency accounts freeze for rest of country.This is all part of PML N history and fresh in our mind.

  8. i bet he has not even read the pile of papers he calls the party manifesto. Dolt that he is.

  9. Proud to witness civilian democratic transition in Pakistan. Indeed DEMOCRACY IS THE BEST FORM OF GOVERNANCE.Pakistan will be fostered by the democracy as signaled by PMLN leaders' apprach.

  10. No policy to tackle terrorism in Pakistan in his manisfesto, as expected from a party who is supporting taliban and lashkar e jhangvi that's pml (n) for you…………….open your eyes people…………………………

  11. Manifesto is more focusing on what will be achieved; the real question is how it will be achieved? So for example when it is said that for education the expenditure will increase from 2% to 4% of GDP, where will the additional money coming from? and also in case of health the percentage of expenditure going up from 1% to 2%.
    The manifesto is talking more about expenditure not about new ways of income generation and about the cuts that need to done to balance the budget deficit and pay off internal and external loans.
    It looks more like a form filling exercise, with no concrete steps to revive the economy.

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