Three Pakistanis caught with heroin in Turkey


Acting on a tip-off, a Hakkari Provincial Gendarmerie Command unit on Tuesday stopped a vehicle on the Hakkari-Van highway and found 5.6 kilograms of heroin from three Pakistani citizens. According to details, after being tipped off by an anonymous phone call, gendarmerie units stopped a minibus and searched the vehicle but did not find any drugs. However, three Pakistani men in the minibus were found to be wearing special bags sewn in their jackets which were filled with heroin. The men were first detained by gendarmerie units and were later transferred to a court, which sent them to prison pending trial. In a related operation, the Istanbul Police Department’s Narcotics Unit raided several locations and detained 16 people on suspicion of drug dealing. A total of 10 kilograms of drugs were seized in the operation.


  1. When will these idiots lean?. They are a stigma to all Muslims. It pains to know that among Muslims, mostly Pakistanis are involved in drug smuggling be it in GCC or elsewhere. SHAME.

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