Pakistan Today

Plot Of Secret

It looks like Damon Lindelof was telling the truth when he wrote on Twitter that his new movie wasn’t about aliens. Despite many lengthy conspiracy theories to the contrary, a new report from HitFix has revealed that the plot for “Tomorrowland,” Lindelof’s upcoming collaboration with director Brad Bird and star George Clooney, is much more complicated than mere UFOs. According to Drew McWeeny, who got his hands on a casting breakdown, the plot for “Tomorrowland” is as follows: “A teenage girl, a genius middle-aged man (who was kicked out of Tomorrowland) and a pre-pubescent girl robot attempt to get to and unravel what happened to Tomorrowland, which exists in an alternative dimension, in order to save Earth.” That’s a big change from what many had expected, especially after Disney expert Jim Hill, who also blogs for The Huffington Post, speculated that the top secret plot of “Tomorrowland” could have something to do with alien contact and Walt Disney’s involvement. Wrote Hill in early February: “During the mid-1950s, the U.S. government supposedly approached Walt Disney and then asked for his help in producing a TV show that would eventually be used to break the news to the American public that UFOS are real.” Lindelof, however, had previously discounted the idea of aliens being involved in “Tomorrowland,” writing in January: “We won’t tell you what it’s about (yet), but we will tell you what it’s NOT about. And that would be ALIENS.” If the circulated logline is accurate — and not further misdirection, which McWeeny stresses is possible — that would set “Tomorrowland” up as some mix of “A.I.” “Super 8” and the TV series “Fringe.” Clooney would play the “middle-aged man,” with the young roles yet to be cast. Hugh Laurie has been set as the film’s antagonist. For more on Laurie’s role, as well as what to expect from “Tomorrowland,” head over to HitFix. “Tomorrowland” is out in theaters on Dec. 19, 2014.

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