An apple a day: Time to love your body


Happy National Eating Disorders Awareness week! Did you know it was this week? Perhaps you have seen some advertising for great programming going on around campus, things like a documentary screening, discussions and free yoga. The Counseling Center, in partnership with some other offices, have been providing these programs all week long to increase awareness on the topics of body image and eating disorders. Why should you take an active interest in these subjects? Chances are you or someone you know is currently, or has been, struggling with issues surrounding body image and eating disorders. Research shows that around 95 percent of people suffering from eating disorders are between the ages of 12-25, and the amount of people suffering is in the millions. Having positive body image is an important part of overall wellness. If you are constantly unhappy about yourself it will have a negative effect on your emotional and physical health (all areas of health are interrelated remember?) When most people think of eating disorders they automatically think bulimia or anorexia—in actuality there are many more including body dysmorphic disorder and binge eating disorder. Knowing how to recognize the signs of disordered eating and poor body image can make it easier to help yourself or a friend who may be in need. Some behaviors related to food include a person skipping meals, only eating tiny portions, not eating in front of others, food rituals, always has an excuse for not going to eat, secretly gorging, purging behaviors such as vomiting, diet pills or the use of laxatives. In terms of other behaviors, a person may wear baggy clothes to hide their body, or may be constantly criticizing themselves. Other warning signs include excessive exercising, and changes in mood or level of sociability.