Private tuition centres in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi were flouting rules and regulations and acting as money minting machines.
Parents of students complained that if these tuition centres provided tuition to the students by charging the prescribed fee, it was their duty to conduct the tests within that fee.
“They should not charge extra fee from the students. It is nothing but a ploy to extract more money from the students,” a parent said.
A group of students said some tuition centres were charging a hefty sum of Rs 2000 along with the regular fee from the students on the name of pre-board examinations.
They further said that the government had made rules to direct the working of tuition centres, but the tuition centres were working on their own and were refuting these norms and regulations.
“Not only this, many tuition centres are working without proper permission with the connivance of the officials of the education department,” a parent said.
Senior academicians said the staff working in these institutions did not have the required qualifications.
“These centres issue advertisements to woo the students by promising them success in exams,” they said.
“These centres charge excess fee from the students and are not providing quality education. How can a tutor with a diploma teach subjects like physics and chemistry,” said Muhammad Ali, a parent.
Raja Umer Saddique, a lecturer at NUML told APP, “Mushroom growth of these centres could be discouraged if students attend their classes regularly and teachers educate them with missionary zeal.”
Another retired university lecturer, Faisal Malik accused teachers and lecturers working in government schools of being responsible for the mushroom growth of these centres.
However, the owners of these centres claim that they provide quality education and study materials to the students and screen them frequently.