Students violating city govt’s no-smoking law


Despite the launch of an anti-smoking campaign by the city administration at the end of last year, smoking in the premises of educational institutions was still in progress. The capital’s administration had given a deadline of January 1, and had warned violators that they would be seriously dealt with, but violators did not take this threat seriously.

During a visit to various educational institutions, Pakistan Today observed that smoking went unabated in institutions and smokers could get cigarettes from nearby shops easily. Almost all varsities in the federal capital had small tuck shops around them, most of which were located right in front of the campus gate.

“Although tobacco products are not available in the university’s cafeteria, smoking is not prohibited within the premises of university. People bring tobacco products along with them and smoke without any hesitation”, a student from International Islamic University told Pakistan Today.

He further said that many students, drivers, security guards and other staffers were also addicted to smoking.

“Everyone smokes freely and no one stops them. University administration often warns students and tries to raise awareness by putting up signs. It is the parent’s responsibility to keep an eye on their children,” he added.

Misbah Ali, an official from AIOU said, “Smoking is not prohibited inside campus. Selling of tobacco products was banned, but students bought cigarettes from nearby shops.”



  1. Australia has a law that bans children from purchasing cigars or cigarettes. This isn't particularly strange as many countries have similar regulations. However, Australia stands out because children, though they can't purchase tobacco, are legally allowed to consume it. As long as they get an adult to buy it for them, Australian children are freely allowed to smoke a cigar in front of a policeman, a parent, a teacher, or even a kangaroo.

  2. Smoking is extremely harmful for our health which is why we should do everything we can to stay healthy as long as possible. Of course, it is everybody's own choice whether to smoke or not to smoke but all of us should be aware of the consequences. The organism of a young boy or girl gets infected quickly.

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