Imran questions ‘criminal silence’ of Nawaz over Zardari’s new house


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Sunday questioned the “criminal silence” of PML-N leadership over recently constructed Bilawal House in Lahore and said all the parties of status quo have been working with consensus.

“Why the PML-N is silent on the issue of Zardari’s new house in Lahore which has been constructed with the cost of Rs 500 million,” argued Imran during a TV show.

Imran Khan was of the view that parties of status quo had treated the people as animals and they wanted to drag them on their own will.

“But the people will now vote for change,” he said, adding that the people living in rural areas have been scared of the rulers due to which they voted for such parties and families.

He said that the Shia killings in Quetta spoke volumes about the incapability and ineptness of the government, vowing that after coming into power, the PTI will bring an end to the brutal killing of Hazara community.

“It is the most incapable government in the country’s history which cannot stop the blatant massacre of Hazara community and I want to assure my Hazara brothers that all of their plight will meet an end after PTI comes into power,” said Imran.

He said that the government ministers were enjoying lavish lives and they had no time for paying heed to the terrorism activities carried out in different parts of the country including Quetta.

Regarding ANP-led All Parties Conference, Imran Khan asked all the ruling parties to now seek an apology from him as they had been criticising him for his call for holding of a dialogue with militants.

“During December 2009, I had called for starting a dialogue with Taliban but they criticised me a lot and called me Taliban Khan,” he said and added that the same leaders who were now talking about peace process had put false allegations against him that Imran was supporting the Taliban.

“There are 35 groups in Taliban and I stressed upon the need to start dialogue process with all of them so that their issues could come to the knowledge of all the stakeholders,” said Imran, adding that the rulers were waiting for a nod by America to do so because all of them were “slaves of the US government”.

He said that the country has been facing loss of 90 billion every month due to war on terror and thousands of Pakistani soldiers had also laid down their lives.

“Now the time has passed for this government to start dialogue process with Taliban,” said PTI chief.

Imran Khan said that the holding of intra-party elections was the most difficult task during his 17-year political career and many people have also tried to stop PTI leadership from doing so.

“Elections are mandatory to elect the people on merit and free, fair elections are the only way,” he said.

He said that intra-party polls were the best preparation of PTI for the upcoming elections and all the forces should get ready to see the real tsunami on March 23rd when 80,000 elected office- bearers of PTI will gather at Minar-e-Pakistan.

Imran said that the delay in elections would be similar to destroying the country as corruption had now reached to its peak, adding that all departments were on verge of collapse. He said that the civil war would break out in the country if incumbent rulers tried to rig the upcoming elections.

He criticised the rulers for depositing their money in foreign countries, saying that the people were getting poorer and poorer while the rulers were becoming richer.

He said that the people would not vote for such people again who have no care for them. He said that the upcoming elections would be held between the two forces.

“On one side it will be a passion and on the other people will use money. A great match is going to be held in upcoming elections, in which one force will use money to win the elections and other one will use its passion to snatch their rights,” said Imran.

He said that the government should consult with all the parties for constitution of caretaker setup. “It will put a great impact on upcoming elections, if government brings a neutral caretaker prime minister,” he said.

He said that the condition of Karachi could not be made better until the coalition partners clean their parties of extortionists and target killers. “I want to convey message to people of Karachi that if they want to bring reforms in their city, all the people should vote for right people.”

He said that the PTI would bring revolution bigger than 1970 as now it was the only ideological party which wanted to take practical steps for the country’s welfare.


  1. Khan Sahib for the love god please replace your tsunami slogan with CHANGE that the people of Pakistan truly deserve!
    Also please stop saying that'"corruption will stop in 90 days." I got news for you corruption will NEVER stop ever! But assure the nation those who indulge in corruption will be surely brought to fair justice according to law.
    Also have your staff do some research! Nawaz Sharif said the same 90 days to usher in utopia in January 1997. Go check it out!!!

  2. Imran must be kidding Mian Nawaz, How could Nawaz say a thing to Zardari by having similar or even bigger house just a stone throw away from Zardari's new pad!

  3. With all due regards to everybody, this sickening mindset to live in big houses like those of Mughal princes, spread over more than 100 kanals has afflicted even IK. Very sad, but true. Why cannot our political leaders learn to live in modest homes, say for 4 kanals?

  4. imran is the ideal politician for the south east asian countries. i love him not only he is pak hero but also he earned his money in a right way

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