Pakistan Today

Intra-party elections

Though our politicians clamour for early elections, yet no political party (except JI and PTI) has ever held intra-party elections to choose their own party leaders at local, district, provincial, or federal level. The self-imposed chief of every party nominates individuals of his choice for local positions and their cronies and sycophants endorse such nominations.
Similarly, party tickets to individuals in constituencies are not granted on merit, but on the basis of wealth and loyalty of party owners (or so called chiefs) in order to tighten the grip over party cadre and perpetuate dynastic parties.
Moreover, with exception of PTI, no party has so far come out with a clear cut election manifesto while elections are at the door, PML-N bragging to convert Pakistan into Asian Tiger notwithstanding. There is much talk about electoral reforms, rule of law, elimination of corruption, but little effort to achieve the object. The politicians and heads of organs of state pledge to strengthen the democracy without substance. I believe in a democracy where every individual’s is respected and no one is idolized or demonized. For me, democracy is for uplift of masses and not for wellbeing of few at the cost of many.
Therefore, I feel economic reforms are more important than other because everything hinges on economy. Without financial resources the very existence of the state is in danger. An economically sound country can lay foundation of a strong democracy and independent foreign policy and face other nations in their eye and not by leading a life of dependency which is worse than slavery. I being ignorant about economic complexities know that no person or countries can prosper whose “expenditure exceeds his means,” as Confucius said that those who don’t economize will have to agonize. No party appears to have prepared well thought out program to generate resources and increase economic growth without which all talks about free and fair elections, protecting and strengthening democracy, independence of judiciary remain a distant dream.
Hence, all politicians, heads of pillars of state, bureaucrats, industrialists, business tycoon, media wizards, intellectuals, and all those who matter in the scheme of things are to join heads to solve this dilemma and evolve a long-term economic policy to steer the country out of the economic quagmire.

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