HRCP lashes Punjab gov for beating doctors


The Commission said in a statement on Monday said that “HRCP is alarmed by the beating of doctors by the police on Sunday in Lahore where several doctors were injured and wishes that the long protesting medical professionals could have been dealt with without resorting to the use of force. HRCP believes that peaceful assembly and protest is one of the paramount human rights in any society which must not be curtailed. Although wielding their batons is the standard crowd control procedure for the police, it is exceedingly disappointing that a non-violent way could not be found to tackle the doctors if, and it is a big if, they were posing any threat to public peace. To the utter dismay of the citizenry and civil society the doctors-police standoff in Punjab has become a near monthly affair now and it is the people who have been paying the price, in the form of intermittent suspension of health services by the doctors pressing for their demands and blockage of roads in demonstrations or scuffles between the police and the doctors. HRCP reminds all concerned that this is not a vendetta and must not be treated like one. The authorities must engage the doctors constructively and without further delay and find a way out of this deadlock now. The police beating up the protesting doctors has understandably disgusted the advocates of peaceful pursuit of all legitimate demands and the violence must be probed in an impartial manner. Those sanctioning beating up of doctors should be punished for their actions forthwith.”


  1. The remarks of HRCP are totally wrong and baseless over the conduct of this case by Punjab Administration.the emernency services are very essential and are eligal and immoral activities and a respected society does not allow to go on strikes for money only.Doctor are not elitrates they are well educated and performing noble caause for the services of common people,but some people are being played by some disheated political parties and are being exploited by them.YDA must realize rheir noble cause and try to win the sweet will of poor nation by doing their best serivices rather then playing in the hnads of some anti and enemy of general pblic elements.They must stop this baseless strike and resume their services without playing in other`s hands.the common man will welcome back for their immediate stop of strikes and resume of services without any further delay.

  2. A common and particularly general people urge and request the YDA to cancel their strike as they are not suppoded to perform their honorable duties in the hands of some public enemy elements. They are doctors not traders who do the profession for personal anf money making cause.They are doing totally sacred and honorable jobs and do not become selfish politicians.

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