Rescue 1122 chief defends staff


Punjab Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) Director General Doctor Rizwan Naseer on Friday said the loss of lives caused in Aiwan-e-Mashriq fire incident was due to unavailability of proper fire exits.
Defending rescue workers, he said that it was unfair to blame workers who put their lives in danger to save citizens.
He requested the factory owners to fulfill all safety requirements to avoid such tragedies.
Talking in a meeting at Emergency Academy, he said that world’s best fire services were useless if buildings didn’t have proper fire hydrants.
He said that in Aiwan-e-Mashriq building incident, rescue workers evacuated at least 32 men safely and also gave them first aid.
He said that Rescue 1122 emergency management had planted a well-equipped monitoring system with which the rescue workers could monitor operations.