Snow cuts off Chitral, food shortage lingering


Heavy snowfall paralyzed life in Chitral and cut it off from the rest of the country.
Per details, thousands of Chitral passengers have been strained on both sides of Lawari tunnel. Supply of electricity also remained suspended from national grid station Dir because of fallen poles and damage to wires. Electricity also remained suspended from local hydro power station Singor because of apathy of Pesco Chitral staff who could not restore and repair the damaged lines. An acute shortage of edibles has also been reported, fire wood and gas cylinders are also in short supply.

People have been besieged inside their houses due to severly cold conditions. Patients are facing hardships due to non availability of transport facilities and electricity at hospitals.
Chitralis have demanded from Federal as well as provincial governments to restore electricity, opening of Lawari tunnel and rehabilitating the communication network to ease their miseries.