Pakistan Today

YDA strike enters second week

Young Doctors Association (YDA) on Tuesday continued its strike for the 14th consecutive day piling on to the sufferings of patients. According to details, the crisis intensified further as both YDA and the Punjab government refused to back down from their stance and showed no sign of flexibility. Young doctors erected tents in the parking and open areas of the government hospitals across the province for medical check-up of the patients. However, patients did not receive medicines or the required test facilities from the hospitals. Young doctors vowed to continue their strike until the finalisation of their service structure and the release of their arrested fellow doctors. On the other hand, the government claimed that majority of the striking doctors have started signing the letter for pardon giving an undertaking that they would not participate in strike in future. While the government and the doctors clash, patients continue to suffer as wards remain woefully empty and lack proper treatment facilities.

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