Pakistan Today

Cabinet Okays Pakistan, Iran gas pipeline project

The federal cabinet on Wednesday gave green signal for initiation of Pakistan, Iran gas pipeline project which is scheduled to be completed in January 2015.

Iran had agreed to provide $ 500 million for the project. The Pakistan government says the money will be spent on the completion of the project. However according to Iranian sources an Iranian company will undertake laying of pipeline even in the Pakistan area.

The Pakistan, Iran project had seen many ups and downs and finally it seems it has been put on track. Iranians were very keen to have this project with Pakistan.

Earlier, Prime Minister Raja Parvez Ashraf emphatically stated that anti-democratic and anti-state elements will not be allowed to derail the democratic setup in the country.

In his opening remarks at the cabinet meeting‚ he said “while our government is sincerely engaged in the efforts to strengthen democracy‚ some anti-democratic and anti-state elements are also busy in creating situations that are not only detrimental to democracy but also to economic growth and stability. This is a very dangerous trend and there is‚ therefore‚ a strong need to rise against these disruptive forces so as to move forward.”

“He wants to convey a message to the anti democracy elements that we will not succumb to their intrigues. We shall not let any one derail the democracy. We gave and are ready to give any kind of sacrifice for the country and democracy”, he said.

He said the demand to dissolve the Election Commission of Pakistan is extra constitutional.
Neither the Election Commission‚ nor its members‚ can be removed as their appointment was made in accordance with the Constitution, he said.

Raja Pervez Ashraf said the government committed to hold free‚ fair and transparent elections in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Care-taker set-up at the centre and the provinces would be formed after consultation with all the stakeholders.

He said the Government is fully committed to its political and constitutional obligations and believes in strengthening the institutions.

With the collective wisdom of our coalition partners democracy is gaining strength in the country, he said. The National and Provincial Assemblies are completing their tenure successfully in the next few weeks, he added.

The prime minister said he is a great believer in politics of consensus and reconciliation. However achieving consensus requires sacrifices‚ understanding‚ patience and commonality of purpose, he said.

The PM said that political leadership must be equipped with these qualities to ensure democracy and constitutionalism. He said sustained political stability is a pre-requisite for achievement of economic well being of the country.

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