Pakistan Today

YDA strike enters 14th day

Miseries of poor patients across Punjab increase as Young Doctors Association (YDA) continued strike across province on Tuesday, for the 14th consecutive day.

As both YDA and Punjab government stand firm on their stance and there is no sign of flexibility from either of the parties, a solution seems far.

Young doctors have erected tents in the parking and open areas of the government hospitals across the province for medical checkup of the patients, who neither get the medicines nor provided with necessary medical test facilities by the hospitals.

Young doctors vow to continue their strike until the finalization of their service structure and the release of their arrested fellow doctors.

On the other hand, the government claims that majority of the striking doctors have started signing the letter for pardon giving an undertaking that they would not participate in a strike in the future.

The reality however is that several patients still suffer due to the strike.

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