India tells Rehman Malik to mind his own business


NEW DELHI: Reacting to Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s call for provision of security to actor Shahrukh Khan, an Indian home office official said that the country was capable of protecting its citizen, and “Malik should mind his own business and worry only about the security of Pakistanis”.
Addressing reporters in New Delhi, Indian Home Secretary RK Singh said that protecting Indian citizens was the government’s responsibility and concerns from outside the country were uncalled for.
Shahrukh Khan found himself in the thick of another controversy after his comments on being discriminated as a Muslim led to Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed saying the star could move to Pakistan if he had some security concerns.
The 47-year-old actor wrote in an op-ed for a local publication: “I sometimes become the inadvertent object of political leaders who choose to make me a symbol of all that they think is wrong and unpatriotic about Muslims in India.”
“There have been occasions when I have been accused of bearing allegiance to our neighboring nation rather than my own country – this even though I am an Indian, whose father fought for the freedom of India. Rallies have been held where leaders have exhorted me to leave and return what they refer to my original homeland,” added the superstar of Hindi cinema.

He went on to say that he became so sick of being mistaken for some crazed terrorist, “who co-incidentally carries the same name as mine that I made a film subtly titled ‘My Name Is Khan’ (and I am not a terrorist) to prove a point”.
“Ironically, I was interrogated at the airport for hours about my last name when I was going to promote the film in America for the first time,” said the filmstar


    • You r a Baghairat man who r happy over indian statement. You r a taritor and sold-out to India. Your patriotism hv been sold to RAW.

  1. This is the time we should back Rehman Malik instead of demoralizing our beloved Interior Minister.

  2. King Khan was interrogated in US airport, not in India. He has so much love an sympathy of people already, I don't know why he is playing muslim card to gain additional sympathy.

  3. Rightly so. It makes me jump in joy seeing rehman malik being humiliated even it comes at the hands of an indian. In any case, he deserved it. He cant protect his own citizens and he is worried about an indian. What an embarrassment this guy is.

  4. " Mr Malik should worry about the security of the people of Pakistan" awesome lines by the Indian Home Secretary….

  5. Shahrukh Khan's carrier is in down fall and probably coming to an end, now he gets only one film to do in a year, so that is why now he wants to get sympathy and love of people in this manner.

  6. Rehman Malik is right, Hindu and Muslim extremists groups have been threatening SRK I have read news reports that Indian government was providing security to SRK till recently but they have withdrawn it for some reason may be because of his article .

  7. would have never commented but thought people here are rational. About providing security to this arrogant fellow. You may not be aware that SRk has money to burn and cook his food. He can hire a 100 different top class security agencies if wants. Also he is no different than any other civilian. If he continues his blabbering, forget the extremist he would need to hide from normal junta as well. Lets not spend any money on this fellow.

      • Don't you see? He is targeted by all cos he plays the Muslim card again and again. You think SRK made it to the richest celebrity Forbes list when govt is the enemy? Any Indian tax payer don't want govt to waste money on this moron who cannot keep his tongue in his mouth. Also do you think it is very difficult for him to move to Dubai or any other "secured " place if he is so threatend? just google SRK wealth and then come back and comment on my question "Why stay in India or is it worth staying in India with so much of money?" . We would be glad to present this moron on platter to Pakistan. Then lets see how much security you would want to provide him from your your money given that his tongue wiggles so much.

  8. Dr rehman malik is such a exemplary character that he can only earn insult and disrespect from all means what ever he tries to pretend, so India also not missed this opportunity of adding sugar to his all time insulted personality.

    • You seem to be an Indian spy that s why u r happy over this news. You hv no selfrespect. Patriotism demands a fitting response to Indians buy lackin national Ghairat you r happy over Indian grilling Rehman Malik. Your patriotism defeated by your grudge against Rehman Malik. India needs agents like you.

  9. Publicity stunt. Probably, he is developing cold feet looking at Amer and Salman doing much better in the industry.

  10. Things are getting worst by the day, if the victimization of Muslims continues the way it is I have a feeling soon there is going to be a religious civil war in India and not just riots.

    • To enure their safety and well being Pakistan was created and yet they are unhappy and want to live and cause problems for others.If they feel unsafe they should move to Pakistan and be safe.

  11. India must stop its rubbish and loose languages against Pakistani Dignities,otherwise we have also facts and figures and will not care for them and we will disclose Indian people`s non-sense and inhuman behavior.Are Muslims secured in your country,they are bound and compelled to do wrong doings Did you abide by Nehro` commitment to give right of self-determination to your occupied Jammu and Kashmir .Rehman Malik is a TIGER OF PAKISTAN AND DON`T SAY WRONG THINGS AGAINST OUR HERO.HE IS A PERFECT AND LOVELY MAN.TRY TO LOVE HIM.

  12. Mr Malik save Shias,Ahmedis,Hindus and Christians being killed before you go seeking safety for an affluent well placed cinema actor.He can take care of himself and pay for it too.

    • 50000 thousand Pakistanies have been killed in terrorism sice this so called war on terror. how many of them Non Muslims and Muslims can you tell. Ofcourse this government is totally failed in provinding security but to say Sunnies or Muslims at large are any safer from any torror attacks you are mistaken. Steps need to be taken to block financing and arms supplies to these terror groups where ever they are getting it from.

  13. It was apparently a "bevkoofi" from Malik I agree. But in hind side It was a slap on indian govt face which is unable to provide security to Pakistani hockey players and Pakistani women cricket team. They had to change the venue because RSS gundas was threatning to disrupt the matches. For last decade or so it is evident that Indian govts becomes hostage of these gunda groups when it comes to any Pakistani teams.

  14. Our interior minister is great. He shoots from hip without conesquent analysis. Don't forget he has a masters in statistical analysis but alas not in the former which would have been extremely useful as a minister. He always rises up to the occasion. You name the problem, he has the instant solution like the instant coffee.—Wonderful. India be aware!

  15. We all Pakistanis need to THINK before we right. You are all writing REHMAN and using bad words. DO YOU IDIOTS KNOW THAT REHMAN IS ONE OF ALLAH (SWT)'S NAME???? We call ourselves muslims and we do not even know the basics. This guys name is Abdul Rehman Malik, if you have to abuse use his FULL name. I am sorry but I am HIGHLY ANGUISHED AND DISTURBED at this use of ALLAH'S name in such a way. Look at yourself, improve yourself before you go shouting at other people and the least said the better about SRK, AK and SK, they do not even know how to pray and are married to HINDU women, living a life of SIN. Wake Up Pakistanis.

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