US foreign policy not about drones only: Kerry


As the US faced mounting criticism for its unabated use of unilateral drones in Pakistan and other countries, President Barack Obama’s pick for Secretary of State John Kerry Thursday underscored constructive facets of Washington’s foreign policy, saying US engagement with the world is not just about drones and deployments.
On Afghanistan, Kerry sounded confident in his confirmation hearing about the security transition from the US-led coalition to Afghan forces and reiterated President Obama’s stand that counterterrorism mission in the landlocked country would continue.
Kerry also indicated his willingness to a senator’s proposal for legislation on advancing an education plan for girls in Pakistan, following inspiring struggle of teenaged Pakistani girls’ rights activist Malala Yousafzai.
Senator Kerry shared a lawmaker’s frustration with lack of progress towards curbing the cross-border flow of fertilizer components from Pakistan to Afghanistan that the Taliban militants use in targeting US soldiers with improvised explosive devices. Kerry said he would work with Pakistani civilian and military leaders on the issue.
Referring to some of the immediate challenges facing the world, Kerry said, “the world is well aware we face a number of immediate, dangerous challenges, particularly in the Middle East and South and Central Asia.”
In defence of the US role in the world, Kerry noted that it’s foreign policy is also very much about economic cooperation and humanitarian support.
“President Obama and every one of us here knows that American foreign policy is not defined by drones and deployments alone. We cannot allow the extraordinary good we do to save and change lives to be eclipsed entirely by the role we have had to play since September 11th, a role that was thrust upon us,” the senator stated in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he has been chairing for many years.


  1. "US foreign policy not about drones only" its about Raymond Davises,Blackwater,Gitmo and blah blah blah.I did not see any true American citizen in the inauguration.They were all Eueropians and Africans.Not a single Red Native.

  2. The problem is not US but our corrupt govt. and Generals who have failed to defend the country. They have violated their oath. Why doesn't US attack Iran or North Korea. Because their govt is not a sell out and if US attack, it will get a response. While our Generals shut the radars and play golf. Shame on them.

  3. Its such a shame that a nuclear armed nation is being humiliated by drones on a daily basis, why, because the inept govt. and Generals need dollars.

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