Afghan Taliban, US bon homie likely


The Mullah Omar led Afghan Taliban might extend firm assurance to the United States and its allies that Afghanistan’s soil would not be used for any acts of terror after the withdrawal of NATO troops in response to the key American demand of condemning al Qaeda and distancing itself from the global terrorist network, sources told Pakistan Today.
However, the Taliban have come up with some key demands for starting meaningful negotiations which include release of five senior insurgent leaders from the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, removal of the movement’s leaders’ names from UN sanction lists and withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistan.
On the other hand, the US and its allies also want Taliban to accede to some important demands like renouncing international terrorism, distancing itself from al Qaeda and condemning this terrorist network, accepting a ceasefire in Afghanistan, respecting human rights and abiding by the Afghan constitution among others.
A diplomatic source privy to efforts by Pakistan and other facilitators working for the meaningful and result-oriented Afghan reconciliation process told Pakistan Today that feedback from the ranks and files of the Taliban suggested that the Mullah Omar led former ruling militia of Afghanistan could assure the global community that the Afghan soil would not be allowed to be used by al Qaeda and other terrorist outfits in future.
“However, the Taliban would like to see the release of its leaders first from Guantanamo and removal of their names from the UN list of terrorists and in response they could make the important announcement about ‘no use of Afghan soil by terrorists after the withdrawal of foreign troops’,” he said, seeking anonymity.
Now that the American President Barack Obama has started his second term in office, his administration is very keen for the restart of peace dialogue with the Taliban that broke down in March last year owing to what Taliban leadership said was Washington’s unwillingness to release five key insurgent leaders from Guantanamo Bay prison.
Along with other demands, the US wants the Taliban to accede to a ceasefire against the NATO forces in Afghanistan.
The source, however, said that there were little chances of ceasefire by Taliban in the near future adding that Taliban would first like to see that their demands are accepted, which would demonstrate how serious US is for the peace negotiations. A Pakistani diplomat when contacted said that he would not like to comment on demands from either the US or Taliban. Nonetheless, he said that Islamabad was willing to take all possible steps for the success of the Afghan reconciliation process.
“The release of several Taliban leaders and activists in recent months is proof of Pakistan’s strong support for the peace efforts in Afghanistan,” he said. The diplomat said that the reaction of Taliban to the release of their leaders was not yet clear but it had a positive impact on bilateral ties between Islamabad and Kabul.
Another diplomatic source said that with the help of friendly countries and facilitators like Pakistan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, a conducive environment was being created for meaningful peace dialogue in Afghanistan.
“Contacts are on between different stakeholders for which different channels such as the recently held ‘Paris talks’ between the Taliban and other Afghan groups, are being used,” he said.


  1. Any insurgency movement or a resistance movement has a limited shelf tme. USA and the Talibans are both offering olive branches to each other. The solution is there –care to see it despite the proviso!. The Taliban movement was never a terrorist movement and it will have no difficulty renouncing it. The afghanis have never attacked a foreign country. They will have no grouse issuing a statement against such acts. Now the affiliation with the Al Qaida was tenous to say the least. and the afghanis have seen what a havoc such an alliance caused in their country. Arabs were more of a embarassment rather than an asset. As a first step the USA has to release the five leaders which the talibans are demanding. This would be a sign of good gesture. Afghanis traditonally always reciprocate in kind Study their history and culture. Why should be they asked to annouce caesefire in their own country openly?

    • Yes my friend, peace always comes but when it comes what sort of country you and i will see?A country full of millions of widows and orphans going hungry. They will pose the question? what did we to deserve this? Another war on peace is on the horizon if we do not do consequent analysis now. There are no cakes waiting only blood ,sweat and toil. Moslem countries should gear up now to help afghanistan now . There should be strings attached to it. There is no Marshall Plan for Afghanistan.

  2. Afghanistan is just a part of great Game Plan, Pakistan was the real target. we feel sorry for Afghanistan and its people, and to all Muslims who have been the target of State terrorism. Now we have to focus on catching and unfolding the real plot of creating an internal insecurity in Pakistan. For that we Muslims in Pakistan have to follow the Quran and Sunnah so that we can seek help from Allah Subhana-hu-wa-taala.

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