After working on “Django Unchained,” the upcoming “The Great Gatsby” and Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street” back-to-back-to-back, the 38-year-old actor is “worn out,” he told Germany’s Bild. “I am a bit drained,” he told the German newspaper. “I’ve done three films in two years and I’m just worn out.” DiCaprio won’t just be lounging around — he also intends to use his time off to focus on his other passion, environmental activism. “I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment,” he told Bild. Unlike many other celebrities, though, DiCaprio doesn’t just talk-the-talk, he walks-the-walk or at least drives an electric car. DiCaprio has his own foundation providing grants to organizations striving for wildlife protection, clean water and renewable energy.