Senate pays homage to Qazi Hussain Ahmad


The Senate on Monday unanimously approved a condolence resolution over the demise of Qazi Hussain Ahmed, former chief of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).
Senators paid rich tributes to his political and religious services and called his demise a national tragedy.
They said that Ahmed was a well-known international personality and was respected all over the world. Leader of the House, Jahangir Badar, presented the resolution in the house. On the occasion, the Opposition leader, Ishaq Dar said that it should be considered a joint resolution.
Jahangir Badar reminded that Qazi was a former senator and he had always played a leading role during the sessions. Qazi had grip over international issues and he always talked within the jurisdiction of law, he added.
Moreover, he said that Qazi Hussain Ahmad led JI for 20 years and he had become an identity of Pakistan in Muslim Ummah and his death was not less than a catastrophe.
Raja Zafarul Haq, PML-N Senator, recalled that he participated in different conferences with Ahmad in England, Lebanon and Egypt and observed that he was greatly respected in the Muslim world.
Naseem Mengal of PML-Q admired the services rendered by JI-ex ameer for Baloch people and said that he was a veteran politician and he gave JI a new beam of light.
Senate Chairman Nayyar Hussain Bukhari asked Senator Saleh Shah to offer ‘Fateh’ for the departed soul of Qazi Hussain Ahmed.