Need stressed to promote science and technology


Pakistan Science Foundation Chairman Dr Manzoor H Soomro inaugurated a two-day workshop on here Thursday at University of Karachi. The workshop was organised to increase the research proposal writing skills of scientists working in different public sector universities and R&D organisations in Karachi. Proceedings of the inaugural session started with recitation of the Holy Quran.
Addressing the occasion, Vice-Chancellor University of Karachi Dr Muhammad Qaiser urged participants to take full advantage of workshop and learn valuable techniques of formulating the quality project proposals.
Prof Dr Manzoor H. Soomro, Chairman, PSF explained the role of PSF and emphasized the participants to take guidance from the PSF experts and speakers to formulate the fund winning quality proposals. He added that quality of research needs to be at par with the international standards and it can only be possible if researchers concentrate on the problem solving approach.
Earlier, Dr Mirza Habib Ali, Principal Scientific Officer, Natural Sciences Linkages Programme (NSLP) explained the role of PSF for the promotion of S&T in the country and main objectives of the workshop.
He added that the workshop is aimed to train the researchers in good proposal writing, create awareness about PSF-NSLP funding process and procedures and encourage the scientists to prepare need based research proposal within the NSLP priority areas.
The workshop will prove to be a great success as it is being attended by the researchers hailing from different universities and research institutes from Karachi. Scientists are being trained on different aspects or writing a good quality research proposal by renowned researchers namely Dr Kazi Suleman Memon, coordinator projects and programme, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam and Dr. Muhammad Afzal, Director General (Retired), PASTIC, Islamabad.
Training will be useful in terms of raising the skills of researchers about formulating research proposals before submitting to PSF.
This workshop will over all help in elevating standards of research in the country. PSF also aims to hold a series of workshops on project formulation across the country in coming months.