Pakistan ready to carry out heart transplants


Rawalpindi Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) and National Institute of Heart Diseases (NIHD) Commandant Major General SM Shahab Naqvi has said that Pakistan has started carrying out heart transplants and has joined the ranks of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Muslim world.“We started work on this project two years ago, and are now capable of carrying out heart transplants at any time,” he said while addressing the closing session of a three-day long National Transplant Conference held under the auspices of the AFIC and NIHD in collaboration with the Pakistan National Heart Association (PANHA).
He informed participants that a trained team was ready and had the required equipment for heart transplants. “We have registered a number of recipients and have carried out all required tests. The first transplant will be carried out as soon as we receive a donor,” he said.
Naqvi requested the masses to cooperate with them for this noble cause and requested them to get themselves registered as donors.