Mobilink Invitational Golf attracts hundreds


Mobilink, Pakistan’s largest cellular network organized the 6th Mobilink Golf Tournament – 2013 at the Karsaz Golf Club, Karachi.
The one-day tourney in Karachi attracted over 100 amateur golfers, representing a diverse segment of Karachi’s corporate and business sector, making for a well-competed event, providing healthy entertainment and promoting golf in Pakistan. Mobilink presented a number of valuable prizes to winners and other participants.
The 18-hole tournament has consistently attracted golfing enthusiasts from within the Mobilink customer base. Similar tournaments will be held for Mobilink customers in Lahore and Islamabad over the coming weeks. Azfar Manzoor, Vice President Business Services Division, Mobilink highlighted, “It is a great pleasure to see the enthusiasm displayed by the golfers in Karachi for the 6th Mobilink Golf Tournament. With your fervor and support over the years, this recreational event has turned into a popular sporting activity. Mobilink will continue to support exciting sports activities as a means of promoting a healthy and participative lifestyle in Pakistan.”


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  5. That Mobilink invitational Golf cup was an amazing event that was held on behest of charity. The tournament was a grand success and was participated by a bunch of veterans. Awaiting more such socio relevant topics from you in the future.

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