Eight doctors fired for assaulting MS


The Punjab government on Tuesday fired eight doctors who assaulted the medical superintendent of the DHQ Hospital in Gujranwala on January 2.
The government took action against 17 doctors; eight were fired, six suspended and three were transferred out of Gujranwala.
After the young doctors assaulted the MS and other senior doctors at the DHQ hospital, several young doctors were arrested. Following their arrest, YDA went on strike and called it off on Friday after the government reportedly threatened the association with dire consequences.
However, YDA said it would again go on strike on January 10 incase their demands were not met. A petition has been filed in the Lahore High Court (LHC) against YDA in this regard.
The petitioner termed YDA’s attitude as “criminally negligent” and urged the court to cancel the licenses of the doctors on strike as they had put the lives of patients at risk. He said the court should take action against them under Sections 300 and 302 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).


  1. This is not enough. Criminal cases must be brought against those eight hooligans. Prosecutor should ask for fifty yrs of jail time or till they die in jail which ever come first.
    If YDA goes on strike on January 10th, then terminate all those doctors. Their job is to see pts. Nothing less nothing more.No body is forcing them to work for health dept. They can always resign. I challenge them to take this step. For the last one yr I have not seen a single doctor resigning.
    DISCLAIMER. I am not member of any party. This comment is written on behalf of poor people of Punjab who come to these govt hospitals and not seen by these striking doctors.

  2. I agree with you.These doctors must be fired from job and their medical licenses be cancelled permanently.

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