SMEs ‘imperative’ for promotion of economic activities


The role of Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs is imperative for promotion of economic activities which would help to create job opportunities, investment attractions and human resource development at grass root level. A collaborated development network is required to provide platform to all the stakeholders for contribution of their inputs for economic wellbeing of the country.
This was stated by the Chairman IPO-Pakistan Mr. Hameed Ullah Jan Afridi MNA while addressing the concluding session of SMEs Conference and Seminar on IPR held at Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce & Industries which was jointly organized by Industries, Commerce & Investment Department Punjab in collaboration with Intellectual Property Organization (IPO-Pakistan), Agriculture Department, PSIC and RCCI on Wednesday.
The Chairman IPO said that IPO has got legal entity after passage of IP Act 2012 and the organization has initiated a number of projects focusing on developing institutional framework, capacity building, enhancing mutual cooperation and rectifying memorandum of understanding with different organizations. He said SME sector has great potential to promote indigenous creative capabilities. He further said that IPO-Pakistan has set up IP facilitation Desks at LCCI, KCCI and SMEDA offices at Lahore and Karachi to facilitate IP right holders for information dissemination and guidance about their IP rights registration. He also announced for opening similar Facilitation Desk at RCCI with the cooperation of SMEDA. The Chairman emphasized on cooperation among IP stakeholders for promotion and protection of IPRs in the country.The Director General IPO-Pakistan Mr. Sajjad Ahmad Bhutta underlined the need of developing market oriented innovative capabilities among the IP right creators in SME sector. He further said that database of SMEs is being developed to address their sectoral issues. IPR enforcement is being strengthened for effective IP rights protection.