ICAP holds seminar


At an impressive gathering of professionals and businessmen organised by the Southern Regional Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), the business leaders underlined the importance of vision and strategies to bring a positive turnaround in businesses.
The seminar “the power of vision and strategies to turnaround businesses” was held at ICAP House, Clifton. Saad Amanullah Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Gillette Pakistan Limited, was the speaker and Muhammad Abdul Aleem, FCA, Secretary General Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce & Industry, was the session chairman of the seminar.
Amanullah highlighted how to effectively use the concept of vision and strategies to the benefit of business. He covered examples of organisation excellence and real life examples from Gillette and P&G. Muhammad Abdul Aleem also shared various examples and his personal experiences on the subject.
The seminar was attended by Members of ICAP Southern Regional Committee, Chartered Accountants and representatives of trade and industry.


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