Man accused of blasphemy burnt alive in Dadu


A man accused of desecrating the Holy Quran was burnt alive by an angry mob in Dadu district of Sindh on Saturday. The man was a traveller and had spent Thursday night at a mosque, said Maulvi Memon, the prayer leader in Seeta village. The burnt remains of the Holy Quran were found the next morning. “He was alone in the mosque during the night,” Memon said. “There was no one else there to do this terrible thing.” Villagers beat the man then handed him over to police. A few hours later, a crowd of around 200 stormed the police station, dragged the man out and set him on fire, said Usman Ghani, the senior superintendent of police in Dadu. Ghani said around 30 people had been arrested for the murder and seven policemen detained for negligence.


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