Imran Khan is a US citizen. He finished his last two years of high school in the state of California. In the wake of the recent shocking Connecticut killings, Imran shares his take on the ‘gun-violence’ issue that continues to plague USA. Says Imran, “I have studied in the US. I was in the 11th grade, about 17 years old, when a guy in my class was expelled for carrying a ‘weapon’. It was not disclosed what kind of weapon it was. But the schools, colleges there have a zero tolerance policy towards anything that is designed as a weapon. You cannot carry weapons in these institutions. The problem lies with the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution which guarantees an individual a right to keep and bear arms. It is for self-defence but the presence of a weapon only increases the likelihood of a person using it, even for an argument. Weapons are easily available to anyone above the age of 18 in the States! In the wake of the Connecticut tragedy, someone proposed, had the teachers in the school been armed, this tragedy could have been averted! This scary thought process of ‘carrying guns to counter gun violence’ itself is wrong. The policy makers and lobbyists feel the illegal usage of guns will rise, if it is to be legally brought under control. This is only cultivating fear amongst the civilians. If you look at such past incidents, most of the miscreants have opened fire with ‘legal’ weapons which have been registered in someone’s name. Weapons should not go to untrained people unless your job is to protect people.” Speaking on President Obama, Imran added, “Obama is an intelligent man but he is in a bad situation where his hands are tied. He has a divided house.”