Pakistan Today

Scorning superior judiciary

The Chief Justice has become a thorn for political parties run like cults, who have benefited from making rule of law subordinate to whims and misplaced egos of few. They want this country to become a fiefdom ruled by tyrants, who don’t pay taxes, indulge in plunder, humiliate judiciary and should never be held accountable for murder of innocent citizens. This country was not liberated from the yoke of British occupation, or exploitation of an affluent Hindu population, to be replaced by tyranny of men who have acquired foreign nationalities and have no stakes at risk, if Pakistan becomes a failed state.
Almost every other day, scores of innocent citizens are ruthlessly butchered on streets of Karachi and not a tear is shed by those who claim to have a mandate to rule, nor any affirmative reaction from elected parliamentarians, or paid security establishment to put an end to this orgy of murder, ruthless massacre, extortion and kidnapping for ransom, that has not just become a routine, but accepted as political kosher essential for a coalition to be held intact.
On the other hand, the death of twenty children and seven adults in a shooting by an insane young man in Connecticut, USA, evoked strong reaction and condemnation by a nation in grief. President Obama, the most powerful political leader of this world, was in tears while national flag was in half mast. When will any tears ever be shed for citizens of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where thousands have been killed in deliberate cold blooded murder, committed not by insane men, but known killers, who enjoy protection of those who are supposed to protect lives, not to be party to this senseless mayhem? Can any sane person justify spilling the blood of over fifty innocent Pakistani citizens for a murder committed in London of Dr Imran Farooq?
Illinois, USA

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