Actress Manisha Koirala, who was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, underwent a successful surgery in New York on Monday. “Manisha underwent a surgery on Monday at around 9 am. I got a message from her family members and they said it was a successful surgery,” Subroto Ghosh, Manisha’s manager, told IANS. “Manisha’s mother, father and her brother are by her side. One of her close friends is also there with her,” he added. Several speculations regarding her health were made following her hospitalisation in Mumbai. Manisha was admitted to the Jaslok Hospital Nov 28 after she reportedly fell unconscious. However, the reason behind her illness was not made clear. Later it was reported that she is flying to the US for treatment for cancer. The actress, who has worked in critically acclaimed films like Dil Se and 1942: A Love Story, made her debut with Saudagar in 1991. She recently made a comeback with Ram Gopal Varma’s Bhoot Returns.