76% Pakistanis think resolution of the Kashmir dispute is necessary for peace with India: Gallup Poll


According to a Gilani Research Foundation Survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan, majority of Pakistanis (76%) think that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute is necessary for peace with India.
A nationally representative sample of men and women from across the four provinces was asked “Do you think in order to establish peace with India it is important to resolve the Kashmir dispute or can peace be established with India without its resolution?”
Responding to this, 76% said it is necessary to resolve the Kashmir dispute first in order to establish peace with India, and 21% said peace can be established between Pakistan and India even without the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. However, 3% did not give a response.


  1. I think there is no use of carrying out these sort of surveys…. because none of the 2 countries are ready to resolve this issue on a serious note.

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