PEROA, FOSFA seminar on trade tomorrow


Pakistan Edible Oil Refiners Association (PEROA) in collaboration with Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association Limited (FOSFA) scheduled a two day seminar on PEORA – FOSFA TRADE for 11-12 December.
The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations (FOSFA) is an international contract issuing and arbitral body concerned exclusively with trade in oilseeds, oils and fats. FOFSA has 975 members in 79 countries.
Members include producers, processors, shippers, dealers, traders, brokers, agents, superintendents, analysts, ship-owners, and those involved in service sector of oilseeds and fats.
FOSFA has an extensive range of contracts for trade in soybeans, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, vegetables, marine oils and fats.
The contracts range from booking the goods on cargo ships to dealing with WTO. 85 percent of the global trade in oils and fats is facilitated through contracts.
FOSFA Pakistan is the third largest importer of Palm Oil and other Soft Oils. All these contracts are governed by FOSFA terms and conditions.