CDA’s water conservation plan fails


Capital Development Authority (CDA) had started a campaign for water conservation in the federal capital, but residents of G-sectors are still facing serious problems of water shortage.
The CDA campaign for water conservation included imposition of fines for water wastage, creating awareness regarding water usage and effective monitoring of leakages in the water supply.
Residents of G-sectors 6-7- and 8 are faced with serious problems due to leakages in water supply lines. Residents said that CDA members had paid no attention to the problem, as 40 to 50 percent of the water had flooded streets that had not only led to a water shortage, but created problems in the streets as well.
Residents said that this indifference and lack of concern would lead to a major water shortage.
CDA Spokesman Ramzan Sajid said that they were trying to replace the leaky pipelines and ensure cleanliness. “We have launched multiple campaigns in collaboration with different NGOs and local schools to create awareness among people regarding water conservation,” he said