National chief cricket selector, Iqbal Qasim has said that the ongoing T-20 tournament will help in selecting Pakistan team for the tour of India. “This event has its own significance to serve as an effective medium to finalize our team for the tour of India in which we will be playing two T-20 and three one day international matches,” he said here Tuesday. He said those who will perform in the event will be considered for selection and national selectors are minutely watching the performance of players to come up with recommendations for selection. To a question, he said, veteran batman Muhammad Yousaf who played only one match of the tournament did not play the coming games and those who are not playing will not be considered for selection . “Yousaf has earlier said that he is not interested to play T-20 or one-day games and he wants to concentrate on playing test matches “,he added. The chief selector said the selectors are keeping in mind the future of Pakistan and its coming tour of South Africa early next year. “ We are in process of building Pakistan and we will give ample chance to every deserving player and we are taking into consideration the performance of players for every format of the game “,said Iqbal Qasim. To a question, he said, all rounder Abdul Razzaq who is representing Lahore Lions missed a match of the tournament due to sour toe and it is hoped that he would be available for Lahore’s next game on tomorrow, Wednesday . He said the selection committee is considering the option of sending one team to India to play the T-20 and one day matches but it has not yet been finalized.