Pakistan ranked 33rd in most corrupt nations


The Transparency International has placed Pakistan at 33 in corruption in its annual report issued here on Wednesday.
It should be mentioned that earlier Pakistan was ranked at 42 among the most corrupt nations of the world in Transparency Report.
The 2012 index ranks 176 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The index assigns scores of between one and 100, one being highly corrupt and 100 clean.
The global civil society organization has expressed concern over the growing corruption in the country saying that the corruption of Rs 12600 billion was reported in different sectors of Pakistan during the last five years.
The organization reported that the corruption has reached its peak during the last year.
Meanwhile, Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan have been declared as the most corrupt countries across the globe while Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tied for first place out of 176 countries, meaning they were perceived to have the lowest levels of state sector corruption.


    • Rest assured, Nawaz Sharif will win next election and your dream of number 1 will be fullfilled in one year.Just building one more motorway would be enough for number 1 slot.

  1. The question is how we can eradicate this menace?the answer is very simple.The nations who are literate &knows their rights ,they empower honest people &never allow anyone to ruin their rights.They do not fear instead rulers fears from public power of knowledge and united protest.

  2. We have all the elements of becoming top.I think some technical fault in assessment like the technicalities of law and constitution which are helping the corrupt to escape justice !may be someone added extra 3 *

  3. So what ? As long as international aid is sent in this country on the name of friendship and development same figures of corruption will be seen so after seeing this figure at least our aide programs related to defense deals should be seized on immediate basis.

  4. It amazes me that people still are coming up with excuses for corruption,quit blaming aids or other countries for our own greed.Regardless,you get money from other countries,put it to good use,have accountibility,we the people elect these thieves.Everyone got their opinion,I don't ever read someone admitting they voted for these dirt bags.

  5. Looks like some PMLN people are siting in local chapter of Transparency International. This is actually Index of Perception of Corruption and not actual corruption. I hv friends in India and other countries who say corruption is much more in India than in Pakistan. But in Pakistan we have irresponsible media and political parties who defame their own country just for political gains and our index got higher.

  6. Looks like SHAH HUSSAIN/SACH HAQ/2012 has found another father today. He is using a different name to post comments. I feel sorry for him. Its gotta be confusing to have so many fathers. Its like almost every jiayala banged his mother and she has no clue which s p e r m he came out of. As far as corruption goes, sky is the limit for ppp govt.

  7. It is sad news for we pakistanis. Unfortunately corruption is found in every field of the country. Almost all the people from a to z including me, is corrupted. We all should start to respect and follow our law from now in order to get rid out of corruption. We still have a time to improve ourselves. We should avail this.

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