Pakistan Today

Holland dutch veteran team in Lahore

Holland Flying dutch veteran hockey team arrived in Lahore last morning on invitation of Dar Hockey Academy.
On team arrival Dar Hockey Academy and Punjab government officials warmly welcomed the team. Flying dutch veteran team was the oldest hockey club of Holland. Holland ex international hockey players were also in that team. Team manager Rob Lathouwers told media that they were very happy to come here. ”This is different than our perception. Lahore is a beautiful city and in our team lot of international players which already visited Lahore”.
He said that his team made preparations for this tour one month ago. Pakistani ambassador in Hague arranged a dinner in honor of our team which was a very positive and energetic sign. In Dutch team some famous names Boualander, Waterning.
Grame burger and others. team came to play against Punjab veteran and two other matches in their 9 day visit. Dar Hockey Academy President Olympic champion Tauqeer Dar told the media that this is a big moment for Pakistan, team arrival is broke the ice. it is good positive sing for world hockey. Director Marketing Abbass Ali babar told media that after arrival of this team a good positive sing shown to world hockey. On teams arrival dar hockey team players, officials, Sec Gen Arufan Zia, Director Finace Salman Afzal and all others was also present.

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