Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday said that the Pakistan Allama Iqbal envisioned is not the same as it is today, despite being a nuclear power.
Addressing a function arranged in connection with Yaum e Iqbal by Nazria e Pakistan Trust and Tahrik e Pakistan Workers Trust at Alhamra Hall, he said Iqbal has given the message of freedom, struggle and self-respect to the youth, cultivators, labourers, Muslim brotherhood and the people but they seem to have have forgotten his principles and were therefore struck in the quagmire of hatred, dissension, terrorism, extremism, loot and corruption.
He said the life of poor people has been made miserable through looting and corruption and even friendly countries like Turkey and China have been made the target of corruption.
The chief minister claimed that inefficient federal rulers had not spared even friendly countries and the senior officials of Interior Ministry have flouted constitution and law in the Safe City Project.
He observed that Iqbal had given the eternal message of hope, self-respect and love for the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and it is this message that Pakistani leaders should always remember.