Pak terror camps: Hamid Karzai to knock on Obama’s door


Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said that the war on terror cannot be fought in Afghanistan but it has to go to the sanctuaries which are in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
In an interview with Times of India Karzai hoped that with the re-election of President Obama they would have a frank discussion to find an answer to this question.
“I hope that now with the re-election of President Obama, we will be sitting down for a frank conversation so we can find answers to these questions. The war on terror cannot be fought in Afghanistan because it isn’t in Afghanistan. It has to go to the sanctuaries. Those sanctuaries are in Pakistan, and in Afghanistan wherever they are.”
“It is no longer a secret,” says President Hamid Karzai, “and (even) Pakistan doesn’t deny that any more. The region is infested by terror sanctuaries.” Karzai says this has been conveyed to the US repeatedly, and also at times through the media.
Asked if he is disappointed by Obama’s first term insofar as US’s promises to Afghanistan were concerned, Karzai said, “We have issues with the US and we want them addressed and while we are addressing these issues, we also want the transition to Afghan security forces completed in time in 2013 and the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan by 2014.” Karzai says Americans never had the immunity to raid and search Afghan homes but this will become simply impossible after 2014. The issue he is willing to respect is a strategic partnership with the United States signed about eight months ago.
Karzai does not believe that foreign troops have brought peace. “That is the contention that we have with the US. They have not brought security to Afghan lives; rather they have caused serious pain to the Afghan people.” But he agrees that the broader picture of stability in the region is something that the US and Nato presence has helped bring about.
He said Afghanistan do need their presence; in what form and under which conditions we will find out. We have already set some conditions under the strategic partnership. We have also put certain conditions in the security agreement” he added.


  1. I believe that he would never find any friend from any corner in coming days…. APPARENTLY, he is becoming extra clever… Demanding as well declining the efforts of NATO… At the end, he will have to seek help from Taliban

  2. Just wait 1 year you mofo ,got lots of balls while NATO's around, lets see how gutsy you are when they leave, this time we wont give you a second home when the Talibs rip of your head and shove it up your ass.

  3. ediot pakis stop giving senturies to terrirests otherwise you will see milions of malala in u r own country .think wisly rather then emotionaly

    • you are correct as a pakistani i am seriously concerned with the terror operations getting a free reign. These miscreants must be stopped and eliminated.

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