CSTC to provide four naval ships to Pak Navy


China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation (CSTC) will provide four new F-22P ships to Pakistan Navy this year, a senior naval official confirmed.
The Chinese company has been involved in Pakistan since 1980s, and has also been working with Karachi Shipyard and Pakistan Navy.
Pakistan has been importing the F-22P multi-purpose frigates from China for last three years. The product is exclusively manufactured and exported to Pakistan. The new frigates will be equipped ffor air surveillance, navigation, missile launch, and gun weapon system.
The CSTC has been providing naval ships and onboard system to different countries.


  1. Why don't we try to get stealth frigates and Aircraft Career……………………….Like our Rivals India

    • India is attempting sea control of the Indian Ocean, where as Pakistan is attempting sea denial. Sea denial tactics involve submarine strikes and merchantmen protection. Escorting merchantmen involve ASW frigates capable of defending themselves, not aircraft carriers and air warfare destroyers. Pakistan submarines will take the fight to the enemy, on the offensive, while the frigates will be on the defensive protecting Pakistan's sea lines of communication against all threats.

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