TTP condemns Grossman’s statement about Durand Line


The banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) central spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan has strongly condemned the statement of US special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman that the Durand Line was an internationally recognized border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In an email message to INP, Ihsan said that Grossman’s statement regarding the Durand Line, the 2,640 kilometer long border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, is an obvious move to inflame differences among the people living on both sides of the border.
“TTP considers the statement of Grossman a conspiracy against the Muslims and also interference of the foreigners in the internal affairs of the Muslims,” Ihsan added.
The TTP spokesman said the outfit will continue fight against conspiracies.
Durand Line draws its name from Mortimer Durand, the Foreign Secretary of British India, who demarcated the 2,640-kilometre-long and porous borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan following a treaty with Afghanistan’s Amir Abdur Rehman Khan in 1893.
Grossman ignited a controversy when he told an Afghan private television channel that “our policy is that the border is the international border”.
On 26th Oct, Pakistan also jumped into a war of words between Afghanistan and the United States over the legitimacy of Durand Line as an international border, saying it was a “settled issue”.
“As far as the official response of the government of Pakistan is concerned, the Durand Line is a closed and settled issue. We regard it as the recognized international border, and the international community also recognizes it so,” Foreign Office Spokesman Moazzam Khan said at the weekly media briefing.
US reaffirms international status of Durand Line. On 24th Oct, The United States said that Durand Line is the internationally recognized boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan, as Washington stood by special envoy Ambassador Marc Grossman’s statement reaffirming its position on the border.
“Our policy on this has not changed. It was correctly stated by Ambassador Grossman that we see this as the internationally recognized boundary,” State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said.


  1. So TTP now clearly came out, its not even a Pakistani now! They look like speaking voice of India and Afghanistan now! it doesnt really matter TTP if you like it or not! after centuries it is recognised broder!

    • Now Pakistan's own trained terrorist speaking against pakistan.

      Pakistan is eating its own created poison.

  2. I think this is very big issu because this is pashtun land and should the owner of land decaided it dose not matter if the usa or other recognased the border. In my point of wive weakness of afgan goverment policy for durand line if they strong condemed the statement of grassmon`s how ever we don`t accept durand line long live united pashtunistan zinda bad lwey afghanistan zindabad LAR OU BAR YOU AFGHAN
    Saif afridi from uk

  3. Pakistan have problem with all its neighbours..

    The best way to solve this are the following
    1- Stop training terrorist and directing them to Afghanistan
    2- Solve Durant line problem by asking the people of the area who they want to be with. (I am sure majority of Pashtoon and Baloach population will vote for Afghanistan because they are fedup with discrimination done by Panjabi government)

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