Pakistan Today

Suicides, slaughter and Sindh

The suicide rate among people, especially, educated unemployed youth, is alarmingly rising in Sindh. Reliable social welfare and research bodies reveal that hundreds of people commit suicide every year for various reasons, in particular, due to deterioration of inter-personal relations, long-term problem, drug addiction, joblessness, tyranny of feudal lords, terror of police, treachery and fraud of Pirs, trauma of natural and man–made disasters, lawlessness, micro credit of Sindh Rural Support Organisation (SRSO) at exorbitant markup rate and also a few other reasons which have made many people to commit suicide. It is painful that neither the past stonehearted rulers did anything to control the rate of suicides nor the present rulers are in a mood to do anything for the ill-fated people of Sindh. They are just minting money and unwisely and unlawfully spending the national exchequer.
One’s heart bleeds to witness that the slaughter of innocent and innocuous people goes unabated in the capital city of Sindh, Karachi. Thousands of people hailing from different parts of the country, many of them sole bread earners of their families, have been butchered, while brutal methods of torturing, targeted killings, inflicting physical and mental harm were employed during the past four and a half years of this government but there is none to catch the culprits so that they may be awarded an exemplary punishment by our courts.
So far, hundreds of families have lost their sole supporters and guardians in the slaughterhouse of Karachi. A dance of death continues in this once peaceful, progressive and tolerant city of the province – Karachi but our coalition partners in Sindh government have their own petty agendas. Safety and security, protection of life and limb is, perhaps, not their priority. Otherwise, it is not asking for the moon to bring normalcy and peace in Karachi and other parts of the province. But the question: how long will this politics of slaughter in Karachi continue? Why are our rulers sitting in Islamabad are turning a blind eye to this continued human slaughter in Karachi? Why our rulers do not try to understand that the people of this country have not voted them to grind their own axes, to pursue their own spontaneous order and do nothing for the masses. Crime, corruption, conflict, controversial legislation such as SPLGO and chaos, cannot be the consent of the governed. The rulers must reflect on it and do uphold the sanctity of their mandate and the rule of law.

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