• You can mutilate the word mullah as much as you want but at the end of the day its a mullah who is leading your prayers..If some Jud mullah agrees to help people in US, you guys have a problem with that as well therefore my understanding is not to take you people seriously.

        • Molvis should stick to leading prayers. thats their respected profession and stop indulging in politics which they have no sense of.

          Allama iqbal's view on Mullah of today “Deen-i-mullah fee sabeel Allah fasad” (the mullah’s religion is just creating frictions).

          • Dude Allamah iqbal that you feverishly quote has 2 dozens of poetry depicting his longing for Islamic system of governancet.. .. Allamah Iqbal was the biggest (beardless)molvi ever..I can see your lack of comprehension on this issue. Have you ever read the first Objective resolution of Pakistan?or the geo-socio dimensions the state went thrrough since its inception.
            I dont support a street mullahs way of handling things, but you have to understand this is something part of your society and you cant win them until you cut them slack..Criticism for the sake of criticism will just create more anti-sentiments between the two segments of a society.If you really ban them from participating in a democracy , you would create a monster by your own hands.

          • Ya and Pervaiz Hoodbhoy should stop talking/teaching politics and concentrate teaching Physics else he will be kicked out f every University like he recently was dismissed from LUMS.

          • you would rather want Agha Waqar as your teacher of physics….Isn't it? it is the loss of LUMS they have kicked out Pervaiz Hoodbhoy…!

        • Contra, can you name me about a 100 mullahs who are PhD?
          Actually 99.99% of mullahs never went to school..
          That's why they are mullahs, because no one else would hire them.

          • im not here to take sides….How many people in our government are PhD.And even if there are a few, are they behaving like educated people? PhD is just a piece of paper that states your past academic achievements.The person with a PhD can be as immoral as any other person depends when he gets the 'chance'.If 99.9% Mullahs didnt goto school its the fault of our past governments .Our govt. has forced people to go madrsa when they failed to provide education to a common person.

        • My dear Contra…mullahs get paid if they lead prayers or namaz e janaza, they get paid for nikah…that is it that they do for the love of God?…hah?

          • boota jee ..aap ki state of mind aisi hai kai agar ibn-ul-haituhm bhi paida ho jai is mulk main you will call him a mullah as well sirf is liay kai os ki beard hai aur turban hai. now im sure you will try to google out kai who is ibn-ul-haithum

          • My dear i know about ibn Hasham….and his concept of optics…do you know what is the role of optic is europeon renaissance…..??? hah ! and by the way they were not muslims scientist..they were mutazilites….and you are a Asharite.

          • what sort of Mullah are you yourself set out to declare someone non-muslim..Mutazalites were pretty much Muslim by and large and just because they deviated from some minor things ,and how you declared all muslim scientists as Mutazalites.Do bring us some source for haytham being a Mutazalite though..

          • Its Asharites like you who declared them as heretics…Do you teach them in Madrassas if they were muslim scientist?

    • only insane mad malicious KAAFIRS haraamkhors think ""gods punishment !!!! ignorant scumbgs !!! thousands of decent humans have been killed damaged by the cyclone – many thousands PAKISTANIS HAVE LOST LIVELIHOODS DUE TO CYCLONE HURRICANE !!!! mostly daily wagers taxi drivers small shopkeeprs and their families shall suffer non remittances poverty in pak !!!!!! mad bad kaafirs e islam gaddar e pakistan foulmouthers !!!!

    • Please don't blame god for your inability to choose what you want to see and what you want to ignore….This cartoon simply represent a mindset, don't read too much into it or you may have to blame god for that too….

  1. How much of the US Aid really goes to flood victms or public. It all goes in to pockets of US contractors and our sold politicians and media persons like SABIR NAZAR.

    • Boota sahib, I live in NY state USA and suffered by this hurricane. I feel very sad to see all that happening. I faced all that. I am just against thinkings of liberal fanatics like SABIR NAZAR, who thinks that US AID actually helps poors and victims in Pakistan. All that money goes in the pockets of US contractors and our sold politicians and some media persons

      • this is not true…this time funds directly went to bank accounts of affected people and that also in wife's account. don't be a shameless liar.

        • The only thing US is putting money on in this country are the TV channels or internet trolls like Chaudhary Boota .Instead of calling someone shameless, first go investigate the rafi peer theater scandal and see how they started blaming pirzada family and sealed lips when the truth came out.No air time was given to their press conference and only Talat aired their opinion.

          • for your kind information…Pakistan Today broke the news of Rafi Peer…pehlay akhbar tay parh lia karo….!

          • Yah i still remember that headline.."Elmo caught with his hand in the cookie jar" and the story page was removed within 48 hours when Salman pirzada said he will take legal action against PT.. Like i said earlier "they started blaming " with no evidence just to protect USAID poeple Bootay you are just an Indian troll .More than that you are just an idiot trying to answer something with no sense or direction..i would say you should just change you r job.You have failed as a commentator..

      • Umar sahib if you live in US than you must ask your government who you tax money is used…and you know by now that you have the freedom to ask that in the country you live in?

        • brother, Millions in US speaks about it, but we are in minority here. If you live in Pakistan, why don't you ask your govt to spend money wisely and do less corruption. We are in minority even in Pakistan or our system is corrupt.

  2. And what do you say about the flood in southern Punjab and Sindh?_How about the 2005 earthquak._Was it also punishment, and if so what for? Get some sense.

  3. Sabir, your cartoons are always thought provoking and are a great public service to raise awareness of the double standards and inconsistencies present in our society. You are a national treasure.

  4. cartoons tell a story ! have some satire ! biggest enemies of islam and pakistan == corrupt morally financially allharaams powerful rich pakistanis firangigulams ..

  5. Yess Yess…….. fight .. go ahead. Throw stones, kill each other for a sake of cartoon.
    Come on guys, we need to grow up and have some sense of tolerance.
    We as Muslims are not against the concept of Mullahs, but for sure we are sick and tired of today so called Mullahs. That is one of the main reason, we in majority wants to go and live in Europe or US, where society has justice, peace and no Mullah there is shouting to teach you his own version of Islam.

    • its people who rejoice at other's tragedies…who should be shameful. Sabir Nazar!.keep on showing them mirror…

  6. This cartoonist Sabir Nazir is trying to underestimate the spirit of Pakistani people.I say this because i know Pakistani people pledged $1.5M for affected people of Katrina Hurricane back in 2005.And i also know majority of Pakistani people are against receiving US aid.

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