Iran expands military & intelligence activities in Afghanistan


The Islamic Republic of Iran has increased its military and intelligence influence in Afghanistan besides cultural influence in parts of Afghanistan, through Imam Khumaini aid committee.
Afghan officials believe that the aid by Imam Khumaini Aid Committee directly goes to those individuals who are committed to Iran and are celebrating the religious and national ceremony related to Iran.
The officials also believe that Iran is funding a number of media agencies in Afghanistan in a bid to preach the cultural and political targets of Iran in Afghanistan.
An Afghan official in presidential palace quoted by Wall Street Journal said that Iran has truely influenced a considerable number of Afghans in the country and can easily gather more than 20000 Afghans for any act, which is more than risky than suicide bombers coming from the neighboring Pakistan.
The official further added, several Afghan officials including those working inside the presidential palace are funded by Iran.
The Imam Khumaini Aid Committee is a secret organization which is also actively operating in a number of other countries.
According to an Afghan journalist who has worked several years in Iran, the Imam Khumaini Aid Committee is a governmental organization which is operated by the Revolutionary Forces of Iran.
In the meantime Afghan and Western officials believe that Imam Khumaini Aid Committee directly provides funds in Afghanistan which in return provides them with the intelligence information however US funds are provided to Afghans through subcontracts.
A number of Afghans who receive aid from Imam Khumaini Aid Committee in interview with the Wall Street Journal said the Iranian Committee asks them regarding their background and family before providing them any aid.
US officials believe that Iran wants to provide aid to those Afghans who are loyal to Iran by interviewing specific individuals.
The Afghan journalist who has spent time in Iran also confirm this however a US official said that the efforts by Iran is a failed attempt since most of the Afghans are doubtful regarding Iran’s commitment towards Afghanistan.
According to Wall Street Journal, a number of Afghans who are receiving aid from Iran or working on projects funded by Iran are saying that Iran urges them to celebrate the anniversary of Imam Khumaini and Islamic Revolution of Iran in Afghanistan.
In the meantime Iran is struggling to implement its culture in Herat by constructing a major library and cultural centre in this province despite providing funds to Afghan media agencies.
Local officials in wesern Herat province also confirmed that the number of activities supported by Iran is increasing in this province.
Herat provincial governor said that the individuals who are supporting Iranian activities are having their homes in this province and are looking to act against the Afghan government.
The Wall Street Journal back in the month of August also reported that Iran allowed the Taliban leaders to have office in Iranian soil.


  1. Iran preaches moderate form of islam, builds schools, roads,hospital, etc… I rather take Iran than anything from the Wahabi Saudi. Afghanistan will be terrorist free, as long as Wahabis keep out of Afghanistan

  2. Iran has shown restraint while US forces marches all over the region.
    After US troops leave Afghanistan, Iran will have the nightmare of an unstable Afghanistan and a history of Saudi backed Wahabi anti-shia religious extremists…I would be worried if I were a world leader.

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