Pilgrims performing Rami at Mina


After spending the night in Muzdalifa, pilgrims have returned to Mina where they are performing the Rami al-Jamarat (the stoning of the big Satan) on the morning of first day of Eidul Azha, the 10th Zihaj on Friday.
After the stoning, pilgrims had waited done their scarifies (Qurbani). Once Scarifies is done and they shaved their head. Some of them come out of Ihram.
Then Pilgrims had perform the Tawaf of Kaaba (7 rounds) and do the Saee (walk between Safa and Marwa, 7 times).
Thereafter, they will come back to their tents in Mina. Next day, on 11th of Zihaj all pilgrims need to do is the Rami (stoning of all three Satans) and after stoning, then will come back to their tents in Mina.
Last day of Hajj, 12th Zihaj, pilgrims will perform the Rami (stoning of all three Satans). And their Hajj rituals are completed.