Pakistan Today

Sanctity of the institution

With the technological development, materialistic obsession and the changing environment the change in thinking is also taking place. In order to be liberal and broadminded a group of people has started preaching the concept of freedom in a very unrealistic way. They wish to have a loose society with free relationships, where no one interferes. Young girls and boys live with each other and leave whenever they want. Institution of marriage turns secondary and is not considered important. Even if marriage takes place, it is a formality and soon problems of separation and divorce begin to crop up.
The most important question arises why families are breaking up and who is responsible for this alarming social menace. In this context the number one enemy is the mistrust. The pseudo liberal and enlightened, plus the media are all the time highlighting the problems in families and encouraging youngsters that the family and its values are of trivial significance but own self and fulfillment of personal desires is more important than anything else. This leads to looking for excuses to blame others and find ways towards a break-up.
The services of detective agencies are being introduced to find out weaknesses of the spouse, so that it becomes easier to break up with the person. These companies have their own interests to watch. First and foremost is business and making money. They are not concerned about any morality or its social ill effects. They simply demand huge sums to conduct investigations. This new trend in our society is going to make our value based social system even more brittle.
We have a matured culture, traditions and values skimmed through our religion and society. Our joint family system is our strength which binds our family members when it comes to moral issues. Even if doubts arise, elders are there to guide, counsel and help find a solution. Seeking help from outside to prove the unfaithful behaviour of your spouse puts the complete family system on fire. We need to be highly punitive for those who profess any such practice against the faithful or un-faithful attitude of the life partner.
In Western cultures, these agencies have broken families and have isolated people even further. Crime and psychiatric help have increased manifold. Checking yourself first and understanding the sanctity of the institution of marriage is the only solution.

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