Pakistan Today

‘Taliban are outside Islam’

The speakers at a seminar on ‘Implications of Malala Incident’ on Thursday condemned the cowardly act on Malala Yousafzai and other girl students and prayed for their speedy recovery. They demanded immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime and suggested that best tribute to the fearless and determined girl could be paid by promoting proper education directed towards the full development of the human personality and strengthening respect for fundamental freedoms.
The seminar was organized by Pakistan Institute of National Affairs (PINA) in collaboration with Tech Club. Former Senator S.M. Zafar presided over the event and intellectuals, writers, political analysts, and media and national security experts made rich contribution.
The speakers voiced concerns over military operation in North Waziristan as the nation seemed divided on this critical issue. They urged the government not to delay the holding of free and fair elections in any circumstances.
They resolved to boldly stand against all forms of religious, political and ethnic extremism through the force of dialogue and ideological conviction. It was revealed that Pakistani Taliban were the khawarij of 21st century who first appeared during the Caliphate of Hazrat Ali (RA) and assassinated him on the decree of kufr.
SM Zafar, in his presidential address, remarked that the essence of the seminar was to make sustained and earnest efforts to promote female education and undertake character-building measures and adopt a positive approach. He appreciated the resolution adopted in the National Assembly for enhancing efforts for the advancement of knowledge and education. He suggested that parliamentarians should have donated a portion of their salaries to open more schools in Swat and in other backward areas. He underscored the need to spread the universal principles and teachings of Islam in true perspective.

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