NWA operation after civilian consensus, decides army top brass


The 69th Formation Commanders’ meeting convened by COAS General Ashfaq Kayani on Wednesday decided to undertake any military offensive in North Waziristan Agency with the joint consensus of the army and civilian leadership.
Sources said during the concluding session of the formation commanders moot on Wednesday, matters relating to overall regional security issues, Pak-US relations, intelligence cooperation, anti-terrorism efforts and various options to defend border posts and security forces from cross border attacks were taken up.
After carrying out a careful evaluation of the NWA issue, it was decided that any possible operation in Waziristan would be carried out after a thorough consensus between the Pakistan Army and civilian leadership, strictly in accordance with national interests and at a convenient time.
The meeting expressed its disappointment over NATO and ISAF’s failure to contain and coordinate against cross-border attacks by terrorists on Pakistani border checkposts and security forces and decided to raise the issue with the American and Afghan military sources in future meetings.
It was also decided to evaluate and evolve a broad-based, result-oriented strategy regarding war against terrorism and other equally detrimental challenges being faced by the federation.
The situation arising out of American drone attacks in the Tribal Areas was also debated in a wider perspective.

Govt resolution called for Swat-like military operation

The resolution which was drafted in the wake of an attack on Malala Yousafzai but could not be tabled in the House, advocated a Swat-like military operation wherever and whenever needed, Geo News reported on Wednesday. The resolution could not be adopted by the National Assembly owing to strong opposition from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz. PML-N was wary of the resolution since it received the draft and saw the military operation in NWA as a conspiracy to shelve the upcoming general elections. The draft resolution said that parliament, in the strongest of words, condemns all kinds of organised terrorism perpetrated under the pretext of implementing Islamic system. It also said the plotters of such unconstitutional and non-Islamic acts are not only the enemies of Islam but the state as well. The draft resolution made it clear that there exists a national consensus against the barbaric acts of terrorism and people of Pakistan reject the ‘way of life’ Taliban are trying to impose upon them. It called upon the federal and provincial governments to take effective counterterrorism measures advising military operations where necessary. According to the draft resolution, the parliament denounces the cowardly attack on Malala Yousafzai and her schoolfellows.


  1. This operation will resultantly make Pakistan more unsecure place and it is predicted that we will face heavily resistance from miscreants and other forces helping them in neighbour country

    • .
      Pakistan is very unlucky for not having this trap …
      The corruption is double when Army takes it's share …

  2. Pakistani civilian consensus is absolutely clear on this, launch the operation immediately & flush these animals out deport them to where ever they came from & seal our borders, unless you are waiting for the consensus from Capital Hill, in this case you will get a reply when Pakistan ceases to exist! The people of Pakistan especially Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa are fed up of these animals constantly killing innocent people degrading the dead by cutting their heads off. I would like to ask one of their supporters, do they call themselves Pakistani's? If so why are they constantly killing their fellow countrymen? The poor people leave home not knowing wheather they are going to return home at all. This situation needs to be dealt with immediately by destroying these animals for good once & for all.

    • .
      Don't underestimate the political acumen of the brass …
      Their definition of 'civilian consensus' includes PML-N and PTI at top of the list …
      You know the rest!
      Like a tiger of a brass …

      • .
        (Nawaz and Imran joined the 'strategic asset' game. They would survive another couple of 'Id…' — in fact, fatten-up until brass moves it's stock) …

  3. Zardari type political goon is selected on the bases that they are all time ready to provide their shoulders to army for all kind of back or front firing .Motives generation is job of agencies and on daily basis they are doing their jobs to convince the public and media that how much threat is there if we will not do army operation in NWS.Kiyani is too crook acting as back door force to get all kind of political consents from such team who has lost all public trust due to their management failure but as all are blue boys of GHQ so no one can think of changing them.So I think give and take game is at high spirit from both side surely Zardari will not give his final words to them unless he get assurance of next win via their channel.

  4. To completely flush out anti-Pakistan Taliban in both the Waziristans will be a suicide case for Pakistani establishment, because under this smokescreen they maintain and foster pro-Pakistan Taliban that are fighting against ISAF in Afghanistan. Eliminating the anti-state elements from both the agencies will necessarily shift entire world's focus to so-called "good Taliban" which by any reckoning goes against the run of our establishment's mill. If there were "good Taliban" in Swat, Mohmand and Bajaur, the clean up operations there would have also been consigned to back burners.

  5. This operation will resultantly make Pakistan more unsecure place and it is predicted that we will face heavily resistance from miscreants and other forces helping them in neighbour country

  6. If NW needs an operation then afterwards SW will need an operation again or may be Punjab will be needing an operation or Sindh or Balochistan…..

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