UN envoy Brown to visit Pakistan after Malala shooting


UN special education envoy Gordon Brown will visit Pakistan next month for talks with President Asif Ali Zardari after the shooting of a child activist by the Taliban, Brown’s office said Thursday.
Brown, who was prime minister of Britain from 2007-2010, will lead a delegation that will discuss with the Pakistani government how to improve education opportunities for children.
He said he was concerned about the shooting of 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai on a school bus in the Swat valley in northwest Pakistan, carried out by the Taliban in revenge for the girl’s campaign for the right to an education.
“I have asked Pakistan’s President Zardari to pledge that Malala’s suffering will not be in vain,” Brown said in a statement released by his office.
“In response, he has invited me to lead a delegation of education leaders to visit him in Pakistan in November to talk about how he can improve opportunities for children.”


  1. Malala has what is described in medical parlance an Acquire Brain Injury (ABI). She and other girls on which there has been sadly much less focus are likely t o be left with a Neuro-psychological deficit requiring prolonged rehabilitation and yet may sadly be left with an enduring deficit.

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