Britain bars entry of Bilour


The British government has decided to ban the entry into Britain of Pakistan’s Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, maker of the blasphemous film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ that caused riots across the Muslim world, Geo News reported on Thursday.
The decision was taken at a high level meeting in which Home Secretary Theresa May agreed to issue exclusion orders for both Bilour, who had offered a $100,000 bounty for the killing of the maker of the anti-Islam film, and Nakoula on the grounds that their presence in the UK will not be “conducive to the public good”. Both of them have been declared “undesirable” as their presence in Britain could harm race relations and pose threats to Britain’s national interests. A British Home Office spokesperson refused to comment on the “individual cases” but the channel’s sources said the decision has been conveyed to Bilour.
The home secretary may decide to exclude an individual who is not a British citizen if she considers that their presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good. The source said that the home secretary had used her powers on full justification, based on all available evidence and the decision is “reasonable and proportionate”. The government of Pakistan and Bilour’s Awami National Party (ANP) quickly distanced themselves from Bilour’s comments, saying his comments didn’t reflect the government policy. ANP, which has government in the Taliban-led insurgency infested Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province besides being a strong ally of President Asif Ali Zardari led government in the centre, said at the time: “We are a secular party. We consider al Qaeda and Taliban as our enemy.”
A day after at least 26 people died in anti-film violence in Pakistan, Bilour announced: “I announce today that this blasphemer who has abused the Holy Prophet, if somebody will kill him, I will give that person a prize of $100,000. I also announce that if the government hands this person over to me, my heart says I will finish him with my own hands and then they can hang me.”
Soon after Bilour’s comments the Pakistani Taliban said they have removed Bilour from their “hit list”. Bilour urged the Taliban and al Qaeda to carry out what he called the “noble deed”. Bilour said public opinion was behind him in Pakistan. “I expressed my personal view and faith. I stand by my declaration. My faith is non-violent, but I cannot forgive and tolerate (this insult).”


  1. Nice Mr.Bilour you done a great job. Its a message to the world.IF Uk government is so kind for the human rights so plz do Finish that stupid person first. We need all to boycott UK stupid people don't have sense what they need to do first.
    Bilour nice.

    • Please learn to write English properly before you comment on stories as your comment makes no sense you fool, all Muslims out of western countries asap

      • andy: Indians preoccupation with Pakistan reflects their sense of inferiority visa-vis Pakistan. I bet 'Andy' speaks english with an Appu accent!

  2. Bilour what you have done is raised the flag of Islam in the world -your own coward people have abandoned you – they are the slaves of satan . Your reward will come from Allah and from His Prophet(pbuh).

  3. There is no such being as God or Allah & the prophet known as Mohammed was a murdering paedophile

  4. Some of the comments are full of hate and bias. PT should be careful about it. As for Bilour he is, and was a very corrupt and controversial man who destroyed Pak Railways and indulged in this cheap popularity stunt which has fired back at him. Men like him who rob state exchequer and tax payers are robbers who are not even good human beings what to talk of being muslims. They have deprived the poor of funds which could have been used for welfare, education and health of the millions of poor.

  5. I will not go into the debate of merits and de-merits of Bilour's statement. Personally, I would ignore with contempt any effort made by anybody to malign Islam or our Holy Prophet PBUH. In line with my point of view, I consider it below my dignity to reply to any insane comments posted by anybody.

    British government is trying to prove that it values human life. Their conduct in history and world affairs today tells a very different story. Perhaps, as a nation, they have the worst track record of dealing with other people of the world.

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