Pakistan Today

No place is safe anymore

At present the gravest problem that Pakistan is facing is terrorism. It has become a headache for federation and a nightmare for public. Though, it is a global issue but Pakistan has to bear the brunt of it. Pakistan’s involvement in the War on Terror has further fuelled the fire. We are facing war like situation against the terrorists. This terrifying situation is caused due to several factors. These factors include social injustice, economic disparity, political instability, religious intolerance and also external hands or international conspiracies. A handful of people who have their foul interests to fulfill have not only taken countless innocent lives but also distorted the real image of Islam before the world through their awful acts. Terrorist acts like suicide bombings have become a norm of the day. On account of these attacks Pakistan is suffering from enduring losses ranging from civilian to economic. The terrorists have not spared any place. Bazars, mosques, educational institutes, offices, hotels, no place is safe anymore.

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