Pakistan Today

Beyond political symbolism

It is time that political parties start talking of economic hardships faced by masses and middle class instead of mere politics of symbolism. With elections around the corner, these political parties should be offering their remedies to boost our stagnant economy, so that real employment is generated, instead of overloading already state owned corporations with surplus staff. The people of Pakistan need to understand that the state can only take care of their welfare when every rich person, irrespective of his mode of earning is taxed and massive flight of capital indulged in by few corrupt dual nationals holding public offices is contained. In America 53.6% people pay direct taxes, as compared to just under 2 % in Pakistan. We need to understand that a free market economy functions under strong regulatory controls, with an independent judiciary and an FBR that ensures nobody evades taxes, nor anybody enjoys tax holidays including landlords. The state must set its priorities right so that it takes care of welfare of deprived and invests in human resource development by subsidizing health, education and providing security and justice to majority.
When political parties like MQM, indulge in holding peace marches in Karachi, where they have had control for more than a decade, it is mere symbolism sans reality. In this battle for turf over Pakistan’s financial capital, more people have fallen victim to target killings, than those killed in drone attacks. Yet the party allegedly responsible for all these excesses is trying to assume the role of an opposition, whilst having enjoyed the fruits of power for more than a decade, with veto power over every provincial governments that has ruled Sind for more than 15 years.
Political symbolism matters in politics only if those who display it have credibility. The British royal family, which is not involved in politics found it appropriate to have one of their own Prince Harry go to Afghanistan to participate in the war that their own troops are engaged it. Similarly Imran Khan, inspite of many contradictions which afflict his party, has managed to lead a symbolic march to show solidarity with people living in tribal areas, who have endured many hardships for adventurism indulged in by military usurpers like Zia and Musharraf. However it is intriguing that Musharraf’s former Foreign Minister, who has now joined PTI bandwagon, was not seen on the stage at Tank rally addressed by IK.

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